The health and welath of our indigenous communities and natural environment has been strongly jeopardized by this modern/western way of living, producing and developing.

A way that is deeply based on consumerism that causes over-production, pollution, waste and ultimately social injustice.

Now, more than ever, the gap between ex-colonizers and ex-colonies is extremely evident:one privileged by the wealth gained, and the other oppressed by the wealth taken away.

The so called “developing-countries” are all former colonies indeed, generally located in the“global-south”. Each of these nations orcommunities and even individuals are often hypnotized by the Eurocentric notion that: “the west is the best”.

Willing to live that “western-life” , many individuals, especially the youth from rural and agricultural area, are leaving behind theirlands to move in western countries or by even moving in cities within their “developing-country”, where higher incomes andconventional opportunities could more easily be found. This migrating phenomena gives birth to over-population that of coursebrings us back to even more pollution and social tension.

We believe that this migrating and lack of wealth problem comes from the devaluation of rural life and raw resources:

all humans are living basically out of 3 main factors:

oxygen, water and food.

Farmers are literally those who feed each and every country in the world, especially the farmers from the “global-south”, yet,without any doubt, they are those who earn incredibly less in the whole global spectrum.

The aim of Mankrong-Green is to bring monetary value back to agricultural and indigenous knowledge by creating a self-sustainable,fair-traded, eco-friendly and internal business model that would bring the youth and our famers deeply invested within the naturaldevelopment of our own village, presence and future based on agribusiness and ethical entrepreneurship.

Our initiative called Mankrong Green, aims to bring our community focus, wealthg and economy way beyond raw cassava, raw corn and raw cocoa beans.

The goals of this initiative are as follow:

1. to fully reconnect our community to our indigenous agricultural knowledge and artisan skills and linking them to our upcoming platform

“Asaase Yaa Nurturance” with the aim of creating economy within our village.

2. to add extra value to our farms, transportation and homes by being structurally supported by strictly and solely ethically sourced green energy.

3. to design our own future by creating a “after-school-youth indigenous skills & IT program” that would further educate and motivate our upcoming next generation to be invested in the land by ethically and environmentally improving and preserving the conditions of our forests.

4. to build a herbal clinic that furthers the valuation of our lands and businesses.

5. to build a plastic recycle station in order to clean up our village and forests while adding value to plastic, converting into bricks and tiles fromwhich we could build with or gain incomes from.

6. To build sustainable eco-friendly structures that would also generate extra jobs/incomes and valuable knowledge among our community by pushing as well an internally managed and led eco-tourism.

Mankrong-green is an environmental, socio-ethical, eco-friendly and youth empowerment business model that aims to not only add extra value and monetary sustainability in the rural village of Mankrong, but to also offer a format that could potentially be adapted by many rural areas of the world.

We strongly believe that no third party can initiate and lead such a change, indeed, the efficiency of this very model is in its self-motivation that needs to come from the inside of the community. We feel that this is the main key that would make this project, design and model truthfully ecological, ethical and most importantly self-sustainable.

Clearly we, as a small rural village of Ghana, west Africa, living in this post-colonial world of oppression and economical disempowerment, cannot monetarily fund this project during its initial yet very important stage.

Even though we are planning to be monetarily self-sustainable with Asaase Production, we are still very far from its fundings, nor any possible popularity in the market. As any start-up, we need fundings in order to plant the first seeds, metaphorically and physically.



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